Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Trends on the Periodic Table

-Elements close to each other on the periodic table display similar characteristics
-There are 7 important periodic trends
1. Reactivity
2. Ion charge
3. Melting point
4. Atomic Radius
5. Ionization energy
6. Electronegativity
7. Density*


-Metals and non-metals show different trends
-Te most reactive metal is Francium; the most reactive non-metal is Fluorine

Ion charge

-Elements ion charges depend on their group (column)

Heres a picture of the Ionic charges:http://www.chemprofessor.com/ptable4.gif

Melting point

-Elements in the center of the table of the highest melting point
-Noble gases have the lowest melting points
-Starting from the left and moving right, melting point increases (until the middle of the table)

Atomic Radius

-Radius decrease to the up and the right
-Helium has the smallest atomic radius
-Francium has the largest atomic radius

Ionization Energy

-Ionization energy is the energy needed to completely remove an election from an atom
-It increases going up and to the right
-All noble gases have high ionization energy
-Helium has the highest ionization energy
-Francium has the lowest ionization energy
-Opposite trend from atomic radius


-Electronegativity refers to how much atoms want to gain electrons
-Same trend as ionization energy

1 comment:

  1. This part looks okay but you guys are missing a couple posts. The chapter test is coming up next week so make sure you guys get this done right away.
